Course Topics
Module 1: Introduction
In the first module, we will introduce our students to the world of internet of things and robotics, while also discussing the meaning of each concept and their modern day advantages.
Module 2: Getting started with Raspberry Pi
Next, our students will be introduced to the models of Raspberry Pi and its components. Students will also be taught how to install and set up their own Raspberry Pi operating system.
Module 3: Python Programming
For this module, our students will focus on learning the basics of the Python programming language. Our students will grasp key concepts such as variables, operators, control flow, arrays, functions, and modules.
Module 4: Sensors & Actuators
Module four will teach students how to read and communicate with sensor values, and also learn how to control actuators. A summary of the topics we will cover includes ultrasonic sensor, light sensor, LEDs, buzzers, motors, PiCamera, and more.
Module 5: IoT Platforms
Afterwards, students will learn how to upload their own Raspberry Pi’s local data (from sensors, etc) to the cloud servers. Students will also visualize data, and control IoT systems online
Module 6: Final Projects
In the final module, students will work on their own projects in groups and present their final projects to the class. Every student will receive their certificate of completion of this course.